Collection: Fabrics - Neferzizi Collection

Queen Nefertiti was the queen of Egypt and the wife of King Akhenaten. Her name means " A Beautiful Woman Has come".  She is known as one of the most beautiful and powerful queens of Egypt.  Not only that, but she became the figure and the symbol of beauty in Egypt.  She had various titles during her life,  such as the lady of the two lands [Upper and Lower Egypt], the lady of grace and the beloved of Akhenaten who was her husband.

Queen Nefertiti's fame was the main reason for  choosing Neferzizi as the name for our business. Since my heritage is Egyptian, and Nefertiti sounds similar to my own name, Zizi, merging the two together became the perfect brand name.

one of the images is in black & white and the writing is in Arabic and English which is represented in the name of our own Brand.

Another image is in blue and ink.